Video collection site
We were hired by the University of Porto to build a website in collaboration with the graphic designer Daniel Brandão for his Ph.D. project which consisted basically in creating an archive of raw videos filmed in Porto: “This is a website that collects videos made in the historical center of Porto. Videos made by anyone, with any kind of talent, using any type of video-making device… you can even use a mobile phone! […] These videos aim to remain effect-free. They are best in their raw state, so later they can be used as source material in the composition of new narratives.”
The writing tone adopted by Daniel for the project was very informal, verbal and even rough at times. We adopted a “visual tone” that would be coherent with the written one, by using a strong yellow background in contrast with black graphic elements. Other colors appear only on images and videos. We also decided to respect the raw nature of the project by listing the videos randomly on a big wall of images.